The Purge, Part 3

And so it continues. We continue to purchase the things we need for our move as we try to purge, purge, purge all the stuff we’ve collected over the past 9 years.

Yesterday was our third yard sale attempt of the summer. This time I went to Emmanuel Assembly of God church in Allentown. I purchased a spot, set up my stuff, and sold a ton. It’s very encouraging to have selling success…and very liberating to rid our house of some of our excess. Some things are hard to let go, like the clothes Hannah just overgrew and souvenirs from some previous trips, but overall I love purging. 🙂

Perhaps the best part of the morning was that I was alone! Yes, I left all 4 kids at home with Aaron. (I know what you’re thinking…Yes. They all survived.) I woke up early and left before they had breakfast. Aaron had to take care of the blueberry poop in Levi’s diaper. He had to figure out how to give Hannah her bottle and cereal AND feed the boys breakfast. He had to remember to take Levi to the potty. He had to change Hannah’s cloth diapers and remember to feed her again at 11a.m. Plus, he had to keep the older two boys alive. No small feat, but he did manage. The house was a wreck, the older two never got dressed, and I’m pretty sure there was a lot more TV than when Mommy is in charge…But they were all alive. Good job, Daddy! (The heat was record-breaking, so I’m thankful that he was up for the challenge.)

I’m also thankful for other people selling or giving away their old stuff. We need to have enough clothes for all 4 children for 2 years, and friends are supplying that need abundantly. God is good…All the time.



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1 Comment
  1. Dawn
    Jul, 1, 2012

    ‘He puts a song of praise, in this heart of mine!’ 😉

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