The Kelleys Crash Kenya!

We are here. After only 2 full days in Kenya, I’m not sure what to write. So much has happened. God is so faithful. And you, prayer warriors, are doing an amazing job at uplifting us in prayer. Despite the exhaustion, we are doing well and feel covered (maybe even drenched) in prayer. Thank you!!

Instead of recording a bunch of stories, I’ll list some highlights of our week and then end with a little story.

Proof of God’s faithfulness and attention to detail:

1.) The baggage man at Lehigh Valley International Airport gave us 3 of our 18 bags free. One of them weighed almost 100lbs! And we got to check it FOR FREE!!!

2.) They also allowed my mom, dad and mother-in-law to accompany us to the gate. It was nice to have that extra time with them…and the extra hands were helpful too!

3.) Our kids did great on the planes. Thanks to lots of napping and in-flight movies, everyone did great. No puking. Some diarrhea…but I’ll get to that in the story.

4.) We were given an extra seat in the third flight which was so nice. Hannah was able to sleep in her carseat which gave me some better rest time and more ability to help with the boys.

5.) God placed missionaries, Kenyans, flight attendants and other people in our paths at just the right times to bless us, help us and give us good advice.

6.) Shopping for a month in a foreign country where you don’t speak the language is quite a feat…especially when I’ve never been to my house. Thank you to my mentor for all the help!!

7.) Jetlag is horrible but we are doing well. The boys love it here. They are outside and dirty from head to toe, and they are meeting new friends every day. Noah said he loves it here. (And he was the one that was so nervous!)

Ok, now for my story…So, as many of you know, our house was slammed by the stomach bug right before our departure. Hannah and Levi had it first and I thought they were over it by Tuesday morning. I packed all of the kids’ clothes in one carry-on. Then, in Atlanta they offered to check bags for free. I thought it sounded like a good deal, so I checked 3 of our bags. Carrying 10 bags and keeping track of 4 kids while walking from one gate to another is hard work. Having 3 fewer bags was going to make life easier, right?

Wrong. On that flight, Levi had the biggest, messiest poop in his life. Diarrhea everywhere. Down his legs. Up his back. All over his pants, shirt, sweatshirt and seat. AND his extra clothes weren’t with us…What to do??

I undressed him and cleaned him up while Aaron held Hannah and cleaned up the seat. I had one extra shirt for myself in my carry-on, so I put that on him and he fell asleep the remainder of the flight. The funniest part was he said, “That’s so oo! That’s so oo!” when he’d see the toilet on the plane. Apparently, he wasn’t bothered by the poop all over his body or the fact that he was buck naked in the aisle of the plane…

He spent the rest of the day in a t-shirt and diaper. It’s a good thing Nairobi is warm!


Sorry that there are no pictures. I tried, but it wasn’t working.

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  1. adrian
    Feb, 1, 2013

    GOD BLESS YOU AARON AND STEPH! Thanks for sharing the airplane story!

  2. Lisa
    Feb, 1, 2013

    So excited that we get to hear about your adventures there. Love the pictures Aaron has posted….especially the chameleon! It was cool! Praying everyday for all of you!

  3. Lisa Brey
    Feb, 2, 2013

    Hi Kelley Family-
    Thank you Lord for being there every step of the way for this wonderful family and providing so much support along the way. You have all been in my thoughts and prayers and I will continue to do so as you start your new lives as missionaries. Miss you all and so glad that you made it there. No way will a little poop, ok a lot of poop, stop this family from making it to Kenya. Lots of love and blessings. Lisa

  4. Lisa Brey
    Feb, 2, 2013

    P.S. I read your blog to the rest of the family, and they are all very happy that you made it there as well. Our family prayed together each night at bedtime for you all, even Emma. She misses her boyfriend. Ha, Ha! Tell the kids hi from Emma and Tyler. They miss the boys at Bible study, especially Tyler who only saw them in summer. God Bless. Love, Lisa, Andy, Tyler & Emma Brey

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