Stage Fright!

I know it’s been a while since the last post. We’ve been busy trying to purge MORE stuff and get ready for today. You see, today our realtor came to tell us what to do to stage our house!!

As if raising 4 children (ages 6 and under, no less!), homeschooling, cleaning, laundry, leading a Bible study, cloth diapering, cooking, attempting to be a wife once in a while, etc. isn’t quite enough to drive me crazy, let’s add trying to stage this house! Fortunately, God has blessed us with a wonderful realtor who always leaves us feeling encouraged and confident that our house is marketable. She gave us a list of things to do that would make each room look better. Nothing she said was major or unexpected. In fact, some of the items on the list have been on my wish list since we moved in (i.e., no TV in the bedroom). We will have to say ‘goodbye’ to some of our favorite things, but we knew this process wasn’t going to be easy.

Over the next month, we will be hermits trying to patch holes in the walls, find our basement and garage, re-organize the kitchen and make those increasingly hard decisions about what to keep and what to let go. Please keep us in your prayers.

Here are some other prayer requests and praises:

1.) Levi is potty trained!! Praise God! It’s been a long, hard road but he’s finally telling us when he has to go. Woohoo!!

2.) The housing market seems to be turning around in our area, so please pray that we can sell our house for the right price at the right time. We know God is MUCH BIGGER than the housing market anyway, but it’s encouraging that market is looking better for the seller these days. 

3.) The selling of our cars. We’ll need to keep the van as long as possible, but both cars need to be sold before we leave. Please pray for the timing of this as well.

4.) Now, I know this will require a miracle, but I’m praying that Noah will be night-trained before we leave. Jacob is already in underwear at night, but Noah still wears Pull-Ups. It’s a long story, but it would be sooo much easier if we didn’t have to worry about wet beds from the older two. (If you’re into praying really big prayers, you could pray that Levi is night-trained too!)

5.) We have a mission conference coming up. We’ll post more details about that on our facebook page, but for now just pray for us as we prepare to go.

I think that’s it. Thank you again for always uplifting us in prayer. We serve an awesome God who loves to hear His people prayer. 

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1 Comment
  1. tripstakepeople
    Oct, 4, 2012

    Ughhh staging and selling was the worst. Especially when you still have to live there and with kids. Praying for potty trained and extremely clean children.

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