Life is Fragile…Handle with Prayer

I know that this is one of those cutesy lines that you see on plaques but does it ever ring true. This week has been another whirlwind of activity and events. Patients in casualty have ranged from stabbings to hippo bites (just for the record…if a hippo is eating your maize, just let it alone. Attempting to ward it off with a stick will likely not work and bad things can happen) to acute MIs to DKA and more. Trauma from motorbike accidents are a regular occurrence and provided patients with extremity fractures as well as a patient with a basilar skull fracture (At least this is what we are presuming he had. Our CT scanner is still not functional but his exam was classic for this diagnosis.)

One morning we had two dramatic OB cases. One woman was an unfortunate victim of domestic violence. Sadly she was expecting and her baby no longer had any cardiac activity. Thankfully her physical injuries will heal. The emotional trauma will likely be with her for many years to come. Please be praying for her and her family. At the same time, a woman presented with severe bleeding after having delivered at home. She was hypotensive on arrival with only mild improvement after IVF and blood. She was emergently taken to theatre where resuscitation efforts continued. She was on meds to keep her blood pressure up and she continued to bleed. At one point her pressure was only 50/20 (not compatible with life). It wasn’t until the obstetrician stopped and prayed over her that she began to stabilize. Sometimes the best thing we medical professionals can do is to get out of the way and let God do His thing.

The week was full of mystery patients as well. One morning I had a young man present stating that he fell down while walking. His presenting complaint was that he could not urinate. As I examined him, I found deep and widespread abrasions as well as significant contusions across his torso, pelvis and right lower extremity. Continued questioning did not clarify how a simple fall three days ago could have caused such serious injuries. Trauma x-rays were obtained, labs were drawn, and I performed a FAST exam (with our only functioning ultrasound in the entire hospital…we are hoping to correct this soon as well). A failed attempt at passing a foley suggested a probable urethral injury. The x-ray showed significant disruption of his pubic symphysis and labs showed that he was in renal failure. At this point, he informed us that he had actually fallen down a 10 foot well and struck several rocks. A retrograde urethrogram confirmed a urethral injury as the cause of his presenting complaint. Thankfully we have a urologist at Tenwek now who was able to scope and successfully place a foley leaving our ortho team to repair his pelvis.




Another interesting patient was a gentleman in his 50s who presented with complaint of ongoing headaches. His family reports that these have been occurring for a couple years but have been more severe over the past several months. A colleague of mine had evaluated him two weeks ago and prescribed meds, an ophthalmologist evaluation, and changes in fluid intake. I saw him because his pain was continuing. He denied any history of trauma and had a normal exam so we changed his meds and discussed the possibility of getting a CT. Two days later he presented nearly comatose. Apparently his pain had improved and then acutely worsened. His exam was bizarre without lateralizing signs.  Labs and an LP at that time were unremarkable. He woke up spontaneously and was able to eat a meal with no difficulty so we sent him to another facility to get his CT scan. Although we don’t have full-time radiologists here, we do have a group of prior visitors that are more than willing to help us out. (Thank goodness for smart phones and e-mail!) Turns out that he has a subacute subdural hematoma. I’ve had numerous discussions with the family and we have no idea how this may have happened. As an answer to prayer in our care for him, a neurosurgeon just arrived and will be operating on him soon.


My time on call over the weekend has displayed the fragility of life as well. I have seen people both young and old die. Some were expected, as with our young lady with advanced HIV and pneumonia. Others were a complete surprise. A woman came in with DKA and a gangrenous foot from uncontrolled diabetes. She spoke with me in the morning and was feeling well. She became unstable in the OR and upon returning to the ICU she coded and we were unable to resuscitate her.  I have just returned from our step down unit where we had to intubate a woman with increasing respiratory distress.  It is not clear exactly what her underlying problem is.  Please be praying for her and for our medical team that we may treat her effectively.

Throughout the week, we have also become aware of struggles of many other families around the world. Steph posted about this on her blog so I won’t repeat all of the details. In summary there was a young girl named Selah who was injured in an accident. She and her family are missionaries in Rwanda. At this point it appears as though she will survive her injuries. Christianna Joy is the 10-year old daughter of missionaries in Zambia. She had been outside playing and collapsed. Despite the valiant efforts of her parents, she went to her forever home. Her family is preparing to return to the U.S. for her services. All of the details of their story are not mine to tell but I will say that their faith remains strong.  Most recently one of our fellow post-residents (Aaron Jones) has been ill and was hospitalized with a-fib. Thankfully he heart is beating appropriately and he is recovering at home.

I don’t understand why God chooses to answer some prayers and not others. There are so many scriptures about prayer but I find that I am still drawn to Philippians 4:6-7. These are the verses that I wrote about the evening before our world was rocked to the core. If you would like to read it, you can click here to go to that blog entry. I know for certain that thousands had been praying for Hannah to be healed. And while healing did occur, it was not in the way that we had hoped for. We are so thankful that Selah and Aaron are doing better. Prayers have been answered. But our hearts break for Christianna’s family. We know all too well what that plane ride back to the U.S. feels like. We know the valley that her family is walking through…we are still in it ourselves. We also know the closeness to God that (at least on this side of Heaven) can only come by walking through the fire. Even now as life moves on, I can feel some of that closeness slip away. I miss it….I want it back…I long for Heaven. Not just because Hannah is there (although I do miss her terribly and would give almost anything to see her, hold her and play with her), but because my Savior is there.


The photo below is of my post-residency class through Samaritan’s Purse.  These missionary physicians, along with their families, have traveled around the world to provide medical care and to spread the hope we have in Jesus Christ.  Please please please be praying for them.  Many have already faced trials and others are sure to follow.  God is doing mighty things throughout the world and Satan’s time is limited…and he knows it.  Pray that no matter the obstacle that God will be glorified.

My post-residency class


As I’ve been writing this post, these two songs have been going through my mind.  They do a pretty good job at describing both my longing for God as well as His longing for me (and all of us) to join Him in our forever home. Hope you enjoy them.

Closer to You
Closer to You

Closer to me I’m tired and I’m weak
And every breath within me is longing just to be
Closer to You
So I face the road ahead
Cause I know there’s no comparing
To what’s waiting at the end

So let the rain start falling where it will
And I will run through this valley
Just to climb to that hill
And if they ask why I’m smiling
After all I’ve been through
It’s cause I’m just a day closer to You

Closer to me I hear You whisper on the wind
You say although my life is fading
A new one will begin
Closer to You
And I know I’m not alone
Cause I can hear You in the distance
Saying, you are nearly home

So let the rain start falling where it will
And I will run through this valley
Just to climb to that hill
And if they ask why I’m dancing
Though my days may be few
It’s cause I’m just a day closer to You

Closer to me You’re in the laughter and the tears
Of the ones I leave behind me
Who have prayed me through the years
Closer to You
And I know it won’t be long
Till You’re running down the pathway
Just to take me in Your arms

So let the rain start falling where it will
And I will run through this valley
Just to climb to that hill
And if they ask why I’m singing
Though my life’s almost through
It’s cause I’m just a day closer
I’m just a day closer
I’m just a day closer to You

Martyr's Song
Martyr’s Song

I’ve been waiting to dance with you
In fields full of colors you’ve never seen
I’ve been waiting to show you beauty
You never dreamed that’s always been in you
I’ve been waiting to see you tremble as you’re embraced
By a world saturated with my love
I’ve been waiting for the day when at last I get to say
My child you are finally home

Sing O son of Zion
Shout O child of mine
Rejoice with all your heart and soul and mind
For you are finally home

I’ve been waiting to watch you realize
What all your longing was for
I’ve been waiting to show you the thread of grace
That ran through all your pain
I’ve been waiting to let you drink the water of which
Your greatest joy on earth was just a taste
I’ve been waiting for the day when at last I get to say
My child you are finally home

Sing O son of Zion
Shout O child of mine
Rejoice with all your heart and soul and mind
Sing O daughter of Zion
Cry out O child of mine
Dance with all the strength that you can find
For you are finally home

Every tear you cried dried in the palm of my hand
Every lonely hour was by my side
Every loved one lost, every river crossed
Every moment, every hour was pointing to this day
I’ve been longing for this day

I’ve been waiting to dance with you
In fields full of colors you’ve never seen
I’ve been waiting to show you beauty
You never dreamed that’s always been in you
I’ve been waiting to see you tremble as you’re embraced
By a world saturated with my love
I’ve been waiting for the day when at last I get to say
My child you are finally home

Sing O son of Zion
Shout O child of mine
Rejoice with all your heart and soul and mind
Sing O daughter of Zion
Cry out O child of mine
Dance with all the strength that you can find
For you are finally home (x2)

You’re finally home

Latest posts by Aaron Kelley (see all)
  1. Court
    Jun, 3, 2013

    Thank you, Aaron. Praying for you all…as you try to heal those near and far.

  2. Miriam Wert
    Jun, 3, 2013

    Your message always inspires me, Aaron, as you reveal your heart and your love for the Lord and your family. It is my prayer that Jesus will touch in a special way all of those for whom you have asked prayer. And that you and Steph and the boys will be protected in every way and will feel the loving touch of Jesus also. At age 88, I feel that you and Steph are my grandchildren and the boys are my great-grandchildren, and my heart is filled with love for all of you.

    • Connie Snyder
      Jun, 4, 2013

      Thanks so much for caring so deeply for our children. Just knowing, that you are praying for them is comfort to our hearts. May God bless you richly.
      Love you, Connie

  3. Jody Allen
    Jun, 3, 2013

    Continuing to pray for your family and the many families listed, not to mention your patients. It seems although you see some tragic cases you are seeing things physicians in the states will never see in decades of practice nor treat with the little resources you have. God bless for your dedication and once again inspiring postings.

  4. Jayne
    Jun, 3, 2013

    Wasn’t that a hippo you and Steph had your backs to on safari? Good thing you weren’t holding any maize. Love you!!!

  5. Joanne Vollmer Goodhart
    Jun, 4, 2013

    As always, thank you for sharing, Aaron. So many needs! It is tempting to feel overwhelmed (and we are not even there—can’t imagine how you feel sometimes!)—but God is with us, and He knows the end of the story.

  6. Liz
    Jun, 4, 2013

    I will be praying.Yes, thank you so much for sharing, Aaron. Your words touch my heart, open my eyes and get me in my prayer-moving-direction oncee again! Thank you, sweet Holy Spirit for using Aaron to once again get me on the right path!

  7. Hannalea Finch
    Jun, 8, 2013

    I have just recently begun to follow you and your wife’s blogs. WHAT AN INSPIRATION. My heart is simply overwhelmed as I see how ya’ll completely and unreservedly pour yourselves out to the work of the LORD, even in the difficult times. I am prompted to be so much more than I am at my own workplace by reading about your lives.
    I am a nurse in an emergency room in my hometown so I am able to relate to many of the situations you find yourself in, though I have yet to see a hippo bite. If you are ever in need of extra hands to come volunteer I will be the first to come.
    Thank you for serving and showing the love of the Father.

    • Aaron Kelley
      Jun, 8, 2013

      Yeah…out of all the hospitals in which I have worked, this is the first with the possibility of a hippo bite. Definitely don’t remember that question on board exams! World Medical Mission does not yet have placement services for nurses but they will keep an application on file for when that changes. Here is a link for an organization that can help with placement for mission trips. If you feel a calling for this, I would strongly encourage you to follow through. I promise you won’t regret it!!

  8. sandy
    Jun, 11, 2013

    today is a bitter sweet day for my sister. she lost her son at the age of 27. he was married and has 2 boys. so i was very encouraged by your words and i know she would be to. i am praying for your family. i know the healing will be life long. but we know our redeemer lives and He knows our pain and hurts. Isaiah 43:2 I have been holding on to this verse ‘my son now 35 has been mentally ill since he was 15’. praying for you and your family. Jesus is near to the broken hearted.

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