It’s a……

We have another thumb sucker on our hands!
We have another thumb sucker on our hands!

Many of you have been following our missionary story since we released our only daughter, Hannah, into the arms of Jesus.  Even before that event, we knew that our family was not done growing.  (We still plan to adopt, but that opportunity has not yet presented itself for us.)  Several months ago we announced that God had blessed us with another baby and since then we have been waiting to see if we would be having another boy or girl.  Having easy access to an ultrasound has been great….and frustrating.  While our first scans were a bit too early to tell the gender, lately the problem has been poor positioning, an umbilical cord that refuses to move out from between the legs, and hands that wouldn’t move away from the telling region.  (We actually had several scans that looked like both genders.)  Up to this point, we have had three OBs (plus this ER doc) checking.  After dozens of scans, we can finally say with ~95% certainty that we are having another Kelley boy.

We finally got a reliable look!
We finally got a reliable look!

I would be lying if I said that we weren’t a little disappointed.  We have really been missing our little princess.  While we know that no child will ever replace Hannah, we had been hoping to have another infusion of pink ruffles into our world of super heroes, monsters, and Legos.  I don’t know if the answer to our prayers is “no” or “not now”.  Either way we are trusting in God’s plan for our lives.  We remain so incredibly blessed.  This is in part what has helped us choose a name for the newest little Kelley.  His name is Joshua Hunt Baraka Kelley.  As we have done before, the first name is Biblical while the middle name (Hunt) is a family name.  Kenya and the Kenyan culture has become an important part of our lives so we wanted to have an additional middle name that would include this aspect of our lives.  After looking over several options, we decided on Baraka which means “blessing”.  His name is a testament to the faithfulness of God in our lives.

He has a good-looking spine.
He has a good-looking spine.
Looking at the blood flow out of the heart into the aorta.
Looking at the blood flow out of the heart into the aorta.











Cute little foot.
Cute little baby foot.

In other news, life continues here at language school.  Each day is filled with Kiswahili and our attempts at speaking it.  As I have mentioned in Kelleys go to Kenya, Steph continues to excel.  Most recently, we took a class field trip to the local market in Limuru to purchase produce while speaking Swahili.  Afterwards we went to a nearby restaurant where again, we had to place our orders using our limited vocabulary.  Overall I would say it was a successful experience.  While the vendors were much less willing to barter, we still managed to come away with four full bags of fruits and veggies.  We were also able to order our meals and actually get what we intended to order.

Steph and me at the local market.
Steph and me at the local market.
Our class along with a couple of our teachers.
Our class along with a couple of our teachers.













The boys continue to love life here.  While they miss Tenwek and their friends there, they do enjoy playing and exploring the grounds here and at Brackenhurst.  They also are quite happy that ice cream bars are available at the cafe at Brackenhurst (at a price).  Thus far injuries have been minimal (I haven’t had to stitch or splint anyone since arriving here) so that has been a definite answer to prayers.


Exploring the grounds around Brackenhurst.
Exploring the grounds around Brackenhurst.













Colleen has remained busy watching the boys and helping to reign in the rest of the kids here.  At this point, she has recovered from jet lag and has been enjoying playing Legos, watching movies and running around with the kids.  Again, thank you for your support in helping to get her here.

Lego time!
Lego time!


We trust that everyone has been enjoying their Independence Day weekend.  While we missed out on sparklers or fireworks here, we were given the day off of school in honor of the holiday.  We enjoyed a picnic of American type foods, listened to Independence Day themed Adventures in Odyssey episodes, and finished the day with ice cream and watching Monsters University.

Enjoying the brief appearance of the sun.
Levi sure knows how to travel.













Prayer requests:

-Continue to pray for baby Joshua.  The numerous scans have all looked great so far.  Pray that Steph and he would both remain healthy.

-Pray for peace in Kenya.  We have received numerous alerts from our agencies and from the U.S. government about upcoming rallies here in Kenya and the chance of associated violence.  Pray that peace and understanding would continue here, at Tenwek and throughout the country.

-Pray for those involved in the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.  Samaritan’s Purse has people on the ground supporting the healthcare efforts.  Pray for safety, healing and most importantly for opportunities to proclaim the gospel in the midst of this outbreak.

-Pray for all of us as we continue to learn Kiswahili.  My brain is on overload mode and is now refusing to learn much else.  Hoping I can break through this barrier soon.

-Pray for Tenwek and all the full time missionaries as well as the numerous visitors who will be assisting now and in the upcoming months. May we remain a beacon of hope and light in Kenya and throughout the world.

Ice cream and a movie.  Not a bad Friday night.
Ice cream and a movie. Not a bad Friday night.
Latest posts by Aaron Kelley (see all)
  1. Delores Thomas
    Jul, 5, 2014

    While we know you wanted another prissy baby girl, we know you are happy with this little fella. Prayers for continued good health for all!

  2. Joanne
    Jul, 5, 2014

    Congratulations to you and your family!

  3. MariaNNE D.
    Jul, 6, 2014

    God is at work again!!!! He must have very special plans for this little man!!! Maybe the pink is being saved for your adopted-to-be baby??? Now wouldn’t that really be Hannah helping to pull some strings!!!!
    I think it is a “not now”!!! That’s my vote!
    Love to all! Blessings for all your prayers to be answered!

  4. Lisa Brey
    Jul, 10, 2014

    Congratulations to you, Steph, and the boys on welcoming another Kelley boy. I love his name. I couldn’t agree more with Marianne. I think “not now” is more the fact. The blessings that your family continues to have that you graciously share with all of us is truly God’s work. May He continue to bless this amazing and obedient family. Love and blessings for a continued healthy pregnancy. Love, Lisa

  5. Mibei Jacob
    Jul, 11, 2014

    No child can replace Hanna, that’s why God is giving you another child, not to take her position but according to his plans and am happy you understand that. hope Joshua will be a great blessing to your family and the entire world. we pray for you, Steph and the boys, for your progress in language and to succeed in your life activities and your missionary work. we also appreciate you dedication to serving God.
    blessings to you

  6. Kathy Mann
    Jul, 11, 2014

    Blessings on the announcement of your new son. God is so good and blesses in ways we don’t always know or understand. Will be praying for a healthy baby and safe delivery. Think of you often and pray as the Lord brings you to mind. Thank you for your willingness to serve the Lord to those in great need of His love.

  7. Kelly S
    Jul, 13, 2014

    Hi there,

    I’ve been following your blog since Hannah died. I think of your family often. I’m a RN and work with Samaritan’s Purse as a disaster relief nurse. I just got back yesterday from Liberia after 2.5 weeks working in an Ebola unit at ELWA hospital. The situation there is brutally painful. So much death, agony, suffering. It was overwhelming and yet rewarding. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Ebola steals dignity and we were determined to do our best to give dignity back. Thanks for always being so real about your experiences there in Kenya. I’m not sure if you know Dr. Kent Brantley, (WMM post-resident Dr. at ELWA) I worked alongside him every day at the Ebola unit.

    Blessings and peace over you precious family. Stay the course and continue to provide compassionate care.

    • Aaron Kelley
      Jul, 14, 2014

      Thank you for your message Kelly. And thank you for your service in Liberia. I can only imagine how difficult that must have been. I don’t know Dr. Brantley. I do know Dr. Plyler who has been over there. Thank you again and God bless!

  8. Holzwarth Family (Todd, Karen, Campbell & Kelsea)
    Jul, 18, 2014

    Congrats on the newest Kelley addition!! My family has been following your family’s journey and story ever since Hannah got sick. Our daughters love to pray every day for you family and the other missionary families we know. Your faith has been such a testimony to our family! Thank you again for sharing your experiences and for remaining steadfast in your faith! Prayers for a continued smooth and easy pregnancy for Stephanie. Incidentally, our girls love Adventures in Odyssey too and the Patriotic stories(the For God and Country series) is one of their all time favorites. I’ll have to share with them tomorrow that your boys enjoy listening to it too 🙂 Blessings to all of you Aaron!

  9. Christina
    Jul, 27, 2014

    Just read about your family in foxnews. Your family is in my prayers. Christina

  10. Chloe
    Mar, 9, 2016

    Blessings on the announcement of your new son. God is so good and blesses in ways we don’t always know or understand. Will be praying for a healthy baby and safe delivery. Think of you often and pray as the Lord brings you to mind. Thank you for your willingness to serve the Lord to those in great need of His love.

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