Incredible Love

So many traditions. So many memories. So much to look forward to. So much happiness. So much hope.  So much pain.

We, like many families, always look forward to Christmas.  There is just an excitement that flows through the air this time of year.  We knew that moving to Kenya would change a lot of the things that had become familiar as we celebrate this season.  We knew that it would alter many of our family traditions.  We knew that familiar sights and sounds would be replaced with many new experiences.  And after losing Hannah, we knew that the Christmas season would be an extreme mix of happiness and grief.  A combination of remembering what once was and looking ahead to what is yet to come.

In the past, we would make our way to a local farmer’s market in the days after Thanksgiving so we could purchase the perfect tree and wreath.  The boys would always play among the trees while we looked for some goodies to bring home with us.

Anything becomes a fort with these guys


Hannah wasn’t too sure about going out in the cold to look at trees


She loved the lights
And she had so much fun helping daddy
All the kids have their own box of ornaments
Happy kids















This year our tree selection was a bit limited so instead of going to the farmer’s market, we found a box and created our own one of a kind tree.  Noah and Jacob had a blast decorating it (and they were sure to include Hannah’s name or picture as part of the decorations).  Star Wars snowflakes, a home made manger scene, Jesse tree ornaments made by the boys and a home made advent calendar have all helped to transform our apartment into a home prepared to celebrate Christmas.

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There have been a lot of questions this year.  The boys and I have talked about what Christmas might be like for sissy this year.  Do they celebrate Christ’s birth in Heaven?  Do they have a really yummy birthday cake?  Will she get any presents?  Will she have a doll to play with?  All great questions…and I have no idea.  It is comforting to know that Hannah is with the one who’s birth we are about to celebrate.  But even in that comfort, it hurts that this Christmas will not have pink or dolls or tea parties.  It’s been nine months but it is still like we said goodbye only yesterday.

As we prepare to celebrate Jesus’ birth this year, I have focused more intensely on the details.  Not just the details immediately surrounding the “Christmas story”, but all of the details leading up to that story.  I have studied it before but this year I have been overwhelmed as I read through stories of the Old Testament.  The lives that were lived, the events that occurred, and the incredible love that flows through each and every story.  The way in which all of the smaller stories point to that moment in time when everything changed forever.  The event when God demonstrated in the most powerful and real way the depth of His love for us.  The point in time when God sent His son to his broken and lost people.  As The Message puts it “The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood”  John 1:14.  He moved in to live a perfect life among sinners and die on our behalf.  God’s love for His people is so immense.  No matter how many times His people broke His heart, no matter how far His people wandered, no matter how badly His people sinned against Him, God continually pursues those whom He loves the most.  It started as He walked in the garden with Adam and Eve and continued as He saved Noah, chose Abraham, preserved Joseph, appointed David, and gave prophets warnings and messages out of love.

Isaiah is one such prophet who spoke about Jesus moving in.  The message that he provided to God’s people clearly spoke of the coming King.  The Jesus Storybook Bible does a great job of combining the words of chapters 9, 11, 40, 50, 53, 55 & 60.

Dear Little Flock,

You’re all wandering away from me, like sheep in an open field.  You have always been running away from me.  And now you’re lost.  You can’t find your way back.

But I can’t stop loving you.  I will come to find you.  So I am sending you a Shepherd to look after you and love you.  To carry you home to me.

You’ve been stumbling around, like people in a dark room.  But into the darkness, a bright Light will shine!  It will chase away all of the shadows, like sunshine.

A little baby will be born.  A Royal Son.  His mommy will be a young girl who doesn’t have a husband.  His name will be Emmanuel, which means “God has come to live with us.”  He is one of King David’s children’s children’s children.  The Prince of Peace.

Yes, Someone is going to come and rescue you!  But he won’t be who anyone expects.

He will be a King!  But he won’t live in a palace.  And he won’t have lots of money.  He will be poor.  And he will be a Servant.  But this King will heal the whole world.

He will be a Hero!  He will fight for his people and rescue them from their enemies.  But he won’t have big armies, and he won’t fight with swords.

He will make the blind see, he will make the lame leap like deer!  He will make everything the way it was always meant to be.

But people will hate him, and they won’t listen to him.  He will be like a Lamb – he will suffer and die.

It’s the Secret Rescue Plan we made – from before the beginning of the world!

It’s the only way to get you back.

But he won’t stay dead – I will make him alive again!

And, one day, when he comes back to rule forever, the mountains and trees will dance and sing for joy!  The earth will shout out loud!  His fame will fill the whole earth – as the waters cover the sea!  Everything sad will come untrue.  Even death is going to die!  And he will wipe away every tear from every eye.

Yes, the Rescuer will come.  Look for him.  Watch for him.  Wait for him.  He will come!

I promise.


That promise was for the people in Isaiah’s day but it is also for us today.  The first time Jesus came, many people missed it.  We are told that when Jesus comes back, that many others will miss Him again.  It is my hope and prayer that this Christmas season, you will allow God to reveal His immense love to you.  His “never stopping, never giving up, unbreaking, always and forever love.”


A few of the attempts at Christmas pictures last year
At this point, Hannah decided she was done
This was actually one of the better ones.

Prayer requests:

1.  Be praying for the staff and patients at Tenwek and other hospitals.  There is a doctor/nurse strike against the government so many hospitals have basically shut down.  We have already seen a large influx of patients needing treatment.  In the past, similar strikes lasted for 1-2 months.  Pray for a quick resolution and that we will have the stamina, patience, and wisdom we need to care for those we see.

2.  Pray for us as a family as we celebrate Christmas without our little princess.  We are thrilled that she is home but it is still so hard to not have her with us.

3.  Continue to pray for my father-in-law as he is undergoing radiation for cancer.

4.  Pray for safe travel for my mom and step-dad.  They plan to visit us in Kenya in mid-January.  During their stay, we will be celebrating Noah’s and Hannah’s birthdays.

5.  Pray for neighbors, friends, and loved ones who don’t know Jesus.  May they come to know Him soon and not miss His return.


Christmas time tea party at Nana's house
Christmas time tea party at Nana’s house
A pink rose given to us by a fellow missionary to honor Hannah on the ninth anniversary of her home going.
A pink rose given to us by a fellow missionary to honor Hannah on the nine month anniversary of her home going.


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  1. Becky
    Dec, 15, 2013

    Thank you for taking the time to share, I particularly liked how you combined the Isaiah passages. Awesome!
    My son really likes the snowflakes. They’re cool.
    Praying for your family and will pray for each request. May the comfort he gives fill your hearts to overflowing.
    Continue to stand firm in the Lord and be filled with his Holy Spirit.

  2. Marianne Dogmanits
    Dec, 15, 2013

    Thinking of you all. Praying for a blessed Christmas. Love the tree!

  3. Lisa
    Dec, 16, 2013

    Sending prayers to you and your family and all the work you do there. Also, for your family.

  4. Miriam
    Dec, 16, 2013

    As always, your message is such a blesssing. We who read it can sense the Holy Spirit in your heart and in your words. May you and your family sense the presence of the Christ Child and our Savior all through the Season, and you will be assured of a Merry and Happy Christmas. It is a privilege to pray as you request.

  5. Cindy
    Dec, 16, 2013

    Prayers from Bethlehem, Thank you for sharing your heart. Knowing the truth that God redeems all things I know you are an overcomer. Eternity with Jesus and precious Hannah is worth the wait. I wonder do our little ones cheer us on from there. The Lord truly loves your family and I know He is holding Hannah and for all we know she has met our two Jennifer and Samuel. God is faithful. He and He alone heals the broken hearted and our hearts do heal and the memories do live on forever. Blessings

  6. Carol
    Dec, 16, 2013

    Your family and community that you serve are always in my daily prayers. I love being part of this prayer community and we have Hannah to thank. Her “mission”, her purpose was to spread the Word worldwide! She has done a remarkable job!

  7. Doug
    Dec, 20, 2013

    So many questions, indeed. Can’t wait to meet the Answer, face to face, as it were. Merry Christmas from the Sayers.

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