Don’t Pray for My Safety

I’m sure most of you have read about the events going on in Garissa, Kenya.  The last article I read was reporting that as many as 150 people have been killed and an unknown number have been taken hostage.  Similar to prior attacks, it is being reported that Christians were selectively targeted for execution.  This is just the latest episode of increased violence, not just in Kenya (which is now #19 on the world watch list for persecution) but around the world, targeting Christians for their faith.  Whether it is a shooting, beheading, prison time, torture, or abuses of various types, Christians are suffering continually around the world.


None of this is a surprise though.  Scripture makes it abundantly clear that followers of Jesus should expect persecution and even death (Matthew 10:22; 2 Timothy 3:12).  How could we expect anything less when we consider what was done to Christ himself?  This past week, I have been reading through a couple of books that go day by day through the events leading up to the death of Jesus.  I am again struck by the overwhelming love Jesus had for people then and for us now.  It doesn’t make sense how a people so undeserving could be given such a precious and priceless gift.  As we remember and celebrate this weekend, I hope that we do not rush so quickly from the ugliness of the cross of Good Friday to the incredible hope of the empty tomb of Easter morning.  I would encourage you to linger for a while in the enormity of the sacrifice and suffering Jesus endured on your/my behalf.  Think and pray about what that sacrifice should mean for us every day.


As soon as people began finding out about the shootings in Garissa, I started receiving messages letting me know that our friends and supporters were praying for us.  I can’t even begin to tell you how much those messages mean to us.  Knowing that we are cared for so deeply, is absolutely amazing.  Honestly, at times like this, it can be hard to even know what to pray for.  One of the prayers I used to pray for daily was safety.  It even became a standard request that the boys would pray each night.  It is also a common theme in messages that I have received.  I think it is one of the most natural prayers we could utter, especially after tragic events like today, but it is not what I pray for anymore.


One thing these past couple years has reminded me of is that safety is not always God’s plan for us.  My daughter wasn’t “safe” but her life has left an eternal imprint in the lives of so many people.  I don’t know if you can put a quantitative or even a qualitative price tag on that.  I think of the countless martyrs we read of since the time of Christ.  I think of the recent Egyptian martyrs who cried out to Jesus as they were beheaded.  I think of those Christian students who were shot simply for admitting to belief in Jesus.  Sometimes our lives have a greater eternal impact when safety is left behind.  It reminds me of an Easter quote by Rick Warren.


“Jesus did not die on the cross just so we could live comfortable, well-adjusted [and I would add “safe”] lives. His purpose is far deeper: He wants to make us like himself before he takes us to heaven. This is our greatest privilege, our immediate responsibility and our ultimate destiny.”


As you continue to pray for us, instead of just praying for safety, pray that we will be where God wants us, when He wants us there.  Pray that we will remain faithful no matter what we face.  Pray that we will use our lives to make an eternal impact for the Kingdom.  While the martyr’s crown is not one that I or anyone else would ever actively seek, what an honor it would be to lay it at the feet of Jesus.


Prayer requests:

-Please be praying for the many families who lost loved ones today.  So much loss….so much pain.

-Pray for those taken hostage.  May they be reunited with family/friends and may they remain faithful witnesses.

-Pray for all persecuted Christians.  Pray for families that won’t see loved ones on this side of Heaven.  Pray for those who remain in jail cells for simply believing in the truths of the Bible.

-Pray for those committing these horrible acts.  Pray that their hearts will soften and their eyes be opened to the truth.  Even through these events, may they see the faithfulness of Jesus’ martyrs and may they ultimately turn to Christ.

-Thank you for your prayers for rain.  The rains have come and the land is again turning green.  Thanks to rain, medical care, and preventative measures, cholera is no longer a daily diagnosis being made at Tenwek.  There are also fewer cases of local malaria.

-Please pray for our medical officer interns.  On Saturday we celebrated their completion of internship at Tenwek and yesterday our new MO class reported.  Pray that our graduates would go out and practice medicine in such a way that each patient has an encounter with the Great Physician.  Pray for the transition of our new interns as they very quickly have to adjust to the high volume and high acuity patients we typically see at Tenwek.  Pray that they grow not just in medical knowledge but also as Christians.


Latest posts by Aaron Kelley (see all)
  1. doug sayers
    Apr, 2, 2015

    Good words Aaron. I think of the old line sung so well (before your time) by Janis Joplin:

    “Freedom’s just another word for nothin’ left to lose.”

    If our hope is in Christ in this life only, we are of all men most pitiable. (1 Cor 15:19)

    He is risen, indeed, and that truth will set us free.

  2. Naomi E Stambaugh
    Apr, 2, 2015

    Aaron, I like the way you think and absolutely agree with it. Would I look forward to persecution in any form? Don’t think so. Be surprised? No. Trust the Lord to see me through if/when it would happen? Absolutely! Living faithfully daily? My daily goal.

  3. Judy Moneoe
    Apr, 2, 2015

    Praying that God move in a mighty way in Kenya! Hold the forces of evil at bay and let them dwindle in number. God please show your presence to those that don’t believe in your precious son, Jesus!!! Help Aaron and family that you hold them in Your Hand Father. Let them feel your presence like no time before!!! Father Kenya is your land too shed Your Light in Kenya let no evil dwell there Father I ask in Jesus. Cast all evil out in Jesus name. Amen!!!

  4. Miriam Wert
    Apr, 2, 2015

    Thank you for taking time to write, Aaron. I agree with you whole-heartedly about how we should pray for those Christians in danger of being killed or kidnapped. We need to pray that they (you and family too) will remain faithful to the end and never deny Christ because they fear death. I have told my family of the importance of never denying Christ, no matter what they are threatened with. The attackers may try to force a person to deny Christ and to accept Muslim belief; then, if the person does that, there is nothing to guarantee they won’t kill the person anyhow and laugh at the person while doing it! Their word is worth nothing. We can trust only the Lord for He is Truth.
    You and Steph are God’s children because of Christ, and what He has planned for you two and your sons will be according to His will. We can ask nothing better than that.
    Many of us love you and desire the best for you all. Miriam

  5. Terry Thomas
    Apr, 2, 2015

    My Thoughts & Prayers Go Out To Each and Everyone Of You !!! God Bless & Be Safe !!!!

  6. Dottie Woolum
    Apr, 3, 2015

    Prayers coming your way. Surely angels are watching over you.

  7. Charles
    Oct, 20, 2015

    It’s time that all Christians a cross all denominations should come together and pray for the body of Christ all over the globe that christians may now be united and be strong in christ Jesusnit looks these persecutions are marks of the end of age.

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