“Do not be anxious”

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7

This is a verse that I memorized when I went through the Top Gun program at Salem. It’s funny how you can tuck scripture away in your memory and when you need it, it suddenly comes to the forefront of your mind. These past couple days have provided plenty to be anxious about. When a father watches a child in pain and is fully aware that he can do nothing to stop it, it creates anxiety. When a physician/acting nurse/father has a patient that does not improve as she should or as quickly as he wants, it creates anxiety. When it seems like the world is wanting to crash around you, it creates anxiety. But I’m not anxious. Now don’t get me wrong…I’m not happy about our current situation and I don’t fully understand it, but I’m not anxious.

No matter what life throws our way, we are not to be anxious. “In everything”…there is no clause allowing anxiety to rule the day when it involves a loved one, not even a child. God wants us to fully rest in Him, even when we don’t understand or have all the answers. “By prayer and petition”…prayer, conversation with God, open communication. No secret code or method to access the Father. We have been granted full rights to approach Him with our requests (and trust me, this has been happening on our end and I know it has been happening literally around the world as well). Petition indicates that we should be blatantly ask for what is on our hearts. No beating around the bush. Just ask. “With thanksgiving”…this is the tough part. Even when memorizing this verse, this was the part that I, and others, would tend to leave out. How can we be thankful as we are enduring trials or experiencing heartache? I think the better question may be how can we not? It is so easy to focus on the hurt or difficulty that we often forget the enormous blessings that we have had showered upon us. If we are hurting, then it means that there is someone in our lives that is close enough to us to cause the pain…be thankful. No matter how bleak the situation may seem, our Father is there for us and there is a glorious end in sight…be thankful. “The peace of God” is something that I will never fully comprehend…and I’m ok with that. I am more than willing to just accept it and continue on.

I really like the NLT of these two verses. “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” Sorry for the aside…just something that’s been on my heart.

Update on Hannah. She continued to vomit throughout the night and around 4 am she pulled out her NG tube. In the morning I went up to the hospital and obtained some IV medication for reflux (our working hypothesis is that her initial illness has now transitioned to a problem with reflux/esophagitis). After getting the boys settled we took her back up so we could have another NG tube placed. We then took her for a barium study. She was so sleepy/weak that she had trouble staying awake even as I held her in awkward positions to obtain the images. We conferred with our GI specialist who agreed that the images showed no significant pathology (but did rule out some disease processes).

Cute on the outside..and the inside.  I'm guessing that the misspelled name may be the result of my poor penmanship.
Cute on the outside..and the inside. I’m guessing that the misspelled name may be the result of my poor penmanship.


Since that time we have had her back home on tube feeds and IV reflux medication. She continues to have coughing/gagging episodes but not as much overt vomiting. She remains very sleepy with periods of being very uncomfortable but there is a glimmer of improvement…and at this point, we will take what we can get.

Our little princess in her "private ward".
Our little princess in her “private ward”.


She's adorable even when she is sick.
She’s adorable even when she is sick.

We remain exceedingly thankful for all of the prayers, love, and support we are receiving. Our friends here continue to check in on us and the kids. I was supposed to be working today but a colleague manned casualty as he was working on the peds ward. I was also supposed to be on call tonight and that has been covered as well. The e-mails/messages from everyone back home provide us comfort as well. We are thankful…and not anxious.

This is how life started for our little girl.  Thankful for how far she's come!
This is how life started for our little girl. Thankful for how far she’s come!
Latest posts by Aaron Kelley (see all)
  1. Joanne Vollmer Goodhart
    Mar, 12, 2013

    Thank you, Aaron. Our prayers for all of you continue. Our hearts are toward you.

  2. Connie
    Mar, 12, 2013

    Thanks so much for all the updates. You are so right, God is in control and our lives are in his hands. Praying for healing, peace, and rest for you. Your faith will always be a blessing to others. Love you!!!

  3. Jayne
    Mar, 13, 2013

    Praying without ceasing… Though this Nana in struggling with not being anxious. So appreciate all the updates… and hearing your thoughts as you watch over Hannah. Give Hannah a hug and kiss from Nana! Love you all! Mom

  4. Miriam Wert
    Mar, 13, 2013

    Still praying and trusting.

  5. Sherri Sisk
    Mar, 13, 2013

    I go to church with Brian and Sarah at the River. I am praying for you. God is a good God and there is no limit to the Holy Spirit working in your situations when we trust Him to move. When we stand on God’s Word in faith, His Word will not return void. I am standing with you across the miles that Hannah’s situation will turn around quickly. I ask that Gods hand in all of this will show up in so many ways that it will open up doors for you to share Christ. What the enemy meant to harm us God will bring good out of it to glorify His name.

  6. Steve Conroy
    Mar, 13, 2013

    Aaron and Stephanie,
    We will keep you guys in our prayers. Praying for a healthy and speedy recovery. If you need anything or if we can do anything let us know.

  7. Lisa LaBar
    Mar, 13, 2013

    I follow your post daily. You and your family remain in my thoughts and prayers.

  8. Don Brensinger Sr.
    Mar, 13, 2013

    Our prayers go up for you and your family, brother! The Lord will see you through!

  9. Cindy Aston
    Mar, 13, 2013

    We are praying for Hannah. Our thoughts are with you all.

  10. Sally Pry
    Mar, 13, 2013

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Children are so precious and when they hurt we hurt. My prayer is for strength and healing.

  11. Cassondra
    Mar, 13, 2013

    We are praying for Hannah’s health and strength! We are also praying for you, Steph, and the boys. Thank you for your updates.

  12. Becca Gray
    Mar, 13, 2013

    Praying from Ethiopia for sweet Hannah! We work with PAACS here and know what it is like to go through trials like illness. Praying for her to feel 100% soon and for God’s peace and love to assure you every day.

  13. Jeanne
    Mar, 13, 2013

    You don’t know me but I stumbled across your story on my friend’s Facebook page. I have another friend with a grandson, almost 2years old. He had some of the same symptoms and ended up hospitalized at children’s hospital in Philadelphia. Originally it was thought that Jax had asthma and reflux. But an RSV infection that would not get better and turned into pneumonia revealed through X-rays that Jax actually had 2 holes in his heart. The 1st a PDA, pulmonary ductus arteries is and the 2 nd hole in one of the 2 lower ventricles. Then they discovered that he had silent aspiration which means that for him , what would normally make a healthy person sputter and choke from liquid going down the wrong pipe goes undetected and the liquid just fills the lungs. He was vomiting a lot and also stopped breathing. It can be deadly but both the holes in the heart and vocal chord surgery can solve these problems.
    I felt compelled to share this with you in case these things could be your daughter’s source of illness.
    I’ll be praying for you.

  14. Jeanne
    Mar, 13, 2013

    Spelling mistake pulmonary ductus arteriosis

  15. Jeanne
    Mar, 13, 2013

    I’m sorry. I just read the updated post. Praying God’s comfort for you all.


  16. Todd Farnand
    Mar, 14, 2013

    Your family is in my prayers during this trying time. I pray for skillful hands of the surgeons and healing for Hannah and your entire family (heart, mind and body)

  17. Emilia Conroy
    Mar, 14, 2013

    Praying for you all at this time for you baby girl In Jesus Name god Bless

  18. Emilia Conroy
    Mar, 14, 2013

    God continue to watch over this little girl…keep her safe in Jesus name Amen..

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