Broken hearted….again

As I sit here, my heart breaks for the Brackbills.  Many of you read and responded to my urgent request for prayer for them as they are struggling to save the life of their daughter Tori.  It is still not clear what her underlying diagnosis is and they may not find out for another couple weeks as additional tests need to be performed.  They have met with many physicians (including neurosurgeons and neurologists) and at this point suspicions are that she may have a form of leukodystrophy (a rare genetic disorder affecting the central nervous system).  I would ask that you continue to lift Tori, Lesa, Brennan and their families in prayer.  Few things are as hard as watching your child suffer and knowing you may not have them with you much longer.


Lately I have been listening to Jeremy Camp’s newest album I Will Follow.  There are many powerful songs and I would strongly recommend adding it to your playlist.  Here are a few songs that have spoken to me, especially as we approach Hannah’s home going anniversary and in light of what has happened and is happening with so many of our friends.


Be Still

Lord help me now to face this battle, My strength has failed and my eyes can’t see, Through the waves of doubt that take me under In the chaos I hear you speak

Be still and know that You are my God, Be still and know that You are enough, Though my heart is racing still You’re in control, Be still and know that You are my God

You brought me rest in times of struggle, I lay my head down at Your feet, The storm in me that I can’t wrestle Is calmed when I hear you speak

Be still and know that You are my God, Be still and know that You are enough, Though my heart is racing still You’re in control, Be still and know that You are my God

You are faithful And Your love endures forever, Yes, Your love endures forever, You are able In You I’ll stand forever Yes, in You I’ll stand forever

He Knows

All the bitter weary ways, Endless striving day by day
You barely have the strength to pray, In the valley low

How hard your fight has been, How deep the pain within
Wounds that no one else has seen, Hurts too much to show

All the doubt you’re standing in between, All the weight that brings you to your knees

He knows, He knows, Every hurt and every sting, He has walked the suffering

He knows, He knows, Let your burdens come undone, Lift your eyes up to the one who knows….


I’ve also been reading David Platt’s newest book Counter Culture (also highly recommended).  Today I came across this quote.  He writes, “The gospel proves that we can trust God. All of his works, even those we least understand, are wonderful, and he has the power, love, goodness, and grace to give you and me all that we need to persevere through difficulty. And in the end, he promises to turn all of our mourning into dancing and all of our suffering into joy.”

Today at lunch as we were listening to Finally Home on the same Jeremy Camp album, Steph and I became dancing fools (which embarrassed Noah to no end).  It’a a pretty catchy song and the lyrics are great as well.  While we still feel the pain of losing Hannah, it is nice that at times there are moments of joy that can eclipse the pain.


Finally Home

I will be dancing free, Unashamed before my King, When I am finally home

Won’t need no bed to sleep, I have too much to see, Just staring at Your throne

Eyes will fill with tears of joy, Your fullness I will know

I will be forever running free, Moving to all Heaven’s melodies, Colors that I’ve never seen, Bigger than my wildest dreams We’ll be together, When I’m finally home

Head first into Your love I’ll never get enough of What You have to show, And that’s just the beginning

In Your river I’ll be swimming And the waters never cold Every tribe and every nation Shouting out Your name

I will be forever running free Moving to all Heaven’s melodies, Colors that I’ve never seen, Bigger than my wildest dreams We’ll be together When I’m finally home

You and I will be together With a love that lasts forever And I know there’s nothing better

We will be forever running free
We will be forever running free
Moving to all Heaven’s melodies Colors that I’ve never seen Bigger than my wildest dreams We’ll be together When we’re finally home


While we await that day when our mourning becomes dancing, our suffering is replaced with the purest joy, and we will forever run free, may we continue to run the race towards our prize, carry one another’s burdens in love, and spread the Good News we have in Jesus.

Joshua talking with his big sissy.  He acted like he wanted to hold her hand for quite a while.
Joshua’s favorite spot on the couch looking at and talking with his big sissy.

Again, please join us as we continue to pray for Tori.  Here is the link to their blog for additional updates.


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  1. Ethel Miller
    Feb, 8, 2015


    Your in our thoughts and prayers, both your family and your friends. Little tori and family are in our prayers also. We are praying for her healing.God is with them and your family every minute of the day and may He continue to provide you all with strength, courage, love ,blessings, and prayers for great Healing. God will give you the faith and strength that you need to get though this crisis. Love is a wonderful thing, it can bring many people together in prayer for help and expect many good things from God! Your in our thoughts and prayers God Bless You All and you will get though this with God’s love and help! Amen!!! Love in Christ

  2. Sena Wijesinha
    Feb, 22, 2015

    Aaron, always follow Jesus Christ, as only He leads anyone to God the Father. Seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in all the decisions you need to make daily, for your work, yourself, your family and for friends and others whom God brings to your paths. Jesus will give you the strength you need at all times. Thank God whether you are on a hill or in a valley. Praise Him in all situations, whether joyous or sad. May God guide you to serve Him each day in Kenya and wherever else He leads you and your family. I will pray for all of you, and also for little Tori’s healing. She is God’s child, under His plan for her life and under His protection. Jesus leads; We follow. Blessings!

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