A Little Time Away

October ended and November began with yet another adventure!

Wednesday started like any other school day with homework and co-op. Noah did his Bible and spelling lesson, read a book and did math. I taught pre-Algebra. Jacob went to kindergarten.  Levi did whatever he does while we’re all doing school. Then, around noon, we loaded our luggage and ourselves into a van to head to Brackenhurst. An hour later, we were approaching lunch time and the little town of Narok. We stopped for a nice lunch and potty break and then it was back into the van for the remainder of the drive.

Brackenhurst is a beautiful conference center outside of Nairobi. It would be the location of our Samaritan’s Purse training session for the next several days.

Boys at Brackenhurst

Thursday and Friday were two intense days of safety training. Guys from Fort Sherman Academy taught us how to survive various dangerous situations. While Aaron and I were in class from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m., Noah, Jacob and Levi played and played and played. They had a blast…and I’m pretty sure they wore their babysitters out!

Boys with Uncle Ed

Saturday evening through Monday morning were reserved for spiritual care time. That left Saturday mid-morning until mid-afternoon open for fun adventures in Nairobi. I had plans to visit ToyMarket, an outdoor used clothing market, while Aaron and the boys would check out Nairobi’s Wild Life Conservatory. Unfortunately, Levi woke out in the middle of the night with diarrhea. That meant I stayed home with him while Aaron took the older two boys on the ‘walking safari,’ which apparently is what Kenyans call a zoo. Nonetheless, we all had a good day that ended with more playtime for the boys and a little Bible lesson for the adults.


Sunday started and ended with the second and third installments of spiritual care. In between, we rested and played and ate nachos from the cafe at Brackenhurst! (Too bad we didn’t get a picture…there wasn’t time. The five of us cleaned the plate in about 30 seconds.)

Seesaw time with Daddy

Our little SP retreat ended Monday morning with the forth Bible lesson and then we were off to Nairobi. We took the boys to Junction, where we ate at Subway, intended to see a movie (but there weren’t any kid-friendly choices), and indulged in Planet Yogurt. I did a little shopping at Nakumatt and then we headed back to the Methodist Guest House for dinner and an early bedtime.

Noah and Subway

Tuesday morning will start with a quick stop for cold groceries and then we’ll be on our way back to Tenwek!

Praises and Prayer Requests: 

1. Praise God for a wonderful time of learning, refreshing and reuniting with some of our SP Post-Resident classmates.

2. Praise God for a fantastic support system!

3. Please pray that we will arrive home to Tenwek safely.

4. Please pray for us as we quickly transition back to live as usual. We’ll be jumping right back into school and meetings and all Wednesday morning!

5. Please continue to pray for my dad as he anticipates treatment and endures periods of waiting.

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  1. Jodie
    Nov, 4, 2013

    Hi Stephanie, praying for your sweet family and your dad! We have your picture on the map in our school room next to Africa. Love you guys!

  2. tripstakepeople
    Nov, 7, 2013

    How fun! Sounds like a good time. My dad was a peace corp worker in Narok. He will be tickled that you were there.

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