A Lesson from Huldah

I’ve been reading Her Name is Woman by Gien Karssen. It’s a two volume set of books that covers 48 women of the Bible. I enjoy studying the women of the Bible so much that I’m reading both volumes simultaneously. (They’ll probably make the Book of the Month list at some point…When I actually finish them!) I’m doing Book 1 as a Bible study with 3 wonderful women, and I’m reading Book 2 on my own to fill in the open days.

This morning, I read about Huldah (in book 2), one of the few prophetesses mentioned in the Bible. This quote stood out to me: “When human beings are willing to do what God expects of them, things happen that no one had ever thought possible.” God is that good!

As we’re preparing for our ‘big move’ to Kenya, I am challenged daily to trust that God is that good. We are leaving so much behind, yet we are sacrificing so little when we are giving out of abundance. When I look around our house, we’ve accumulated SO much in the 9 years we’ve been married. (Today is our 9th anniversary!! Love you Aaron Walker Kelley!!) Four kids, 3 moves, and too many birthdays, Christmases and Easters to count in my sleep-deprived state, we have a million times more stuff than we need. I guess that’s why we’re having a yard sale this Saturday…

The American, worldly part of my brain tells me to be bitter and resentful as I’m leaving all my stuff behind. I’m sad to give up my dishwasher, my minivan, my cute clothes, my … and the list goes on. But that’s the problem. I’m too focused on ME. It’s not about me. None of this stuff is mine anyway. We only have what God has blessed us with. It all belongs to Him. Besides, even after purging, we’ll still own much, much more than the average person on this earth. My sacrifice is insufficient. It’s so minimal that I don’t even considerate it a sacrifice when I use the Christian, global part of my brain. All I need to do is trust that God will do mighty things when I obey Him.

Another quote that caught my attention was “Huldah knew that Word. Therefore she could freely exhort and encourage other people with it.” My prayer is that I will know the Word of God so well that I can use it daily to exhort and encourage the people in my life, specifically my children. So much of my time is spent feeding them, cleaning up messes, and doing chores. (Just this morning, I cleaned up half a box of Cheerios, poop in underwear, a spill in the bedroom, and more poop. And that was just one of the four children within the first 2 hours of being awake!! Can you guess which one??) I wonder if I’m modeling righteousness in all my daily to-do lists. I wonder if I’m modeling Christ-like behavior when my to-do list is interrupted a hundred times and I get frustrated that I can’t even blow my nose without someone getting bitten or puking or complaining that someone else isn’t sharing. Sigh. Fortunately, I serve a God who promises to fill in the space between my simple acts of service and true righteousness.

I love my job. While I never thought I’d be the ring leader of a circus, I do love being able to stay home with my 4 little blessings. Just pictured it a little more tidy, considerably quieter, and a lot less blue. 🙂

Galatians 6:9 “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

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1 Comment
  1. Rachel
    Jun, 14, 2012

    Today is our anniversary, too! We have you beat by a year, though. =) It sounds like a good book you are reading. Two lines I love from this post: “If I use the Christian, global part of my brain…” (So true!) and “Just pictured it a little more tidy, considerably quieter and a lot less blue.” (I hear you!) I’m praying for your family. I wish I was going to be around Saturday morning or I’d definitely be at your yardsale–you have good taste! =)

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