8 on the 18th!

Noah, our firstborn, turned 8 years old yesterday! As a typical firstborn child, he had all the details planned far in advance. He had two lists: one for the party and one for the remainder of the day. He choose all the games and then had fun making the supplies for them. He also planned each meal and snack for the day. Here is a little run-down of the day’s festivities. It’s great to be 8!

The morning started a bit early (because he was so, so excited for his day!), so breakfast was several hours in the waiting…but it was worth it. Bacon (a rare treat for us) and egg sandwiches, apple juice and milk made a complete meal worthy of any birthday boy!

As soon as breakfast was devoured, we had to get everything ready for the party! Balloons and screamers were hung, the cake was decorated, the game supplies were assembled and the lightsabers were gathered.


Once the majority of our many neighbors were present, the party began. First up on the agenda: Pin the Lightsaber on Darth. We used straws for lightsabers. Nana and Noah made Darth Vader on Friday. For blindfolds, I covered the eyes on the Darth and Stormtrooper masks. It was a big hit!

Noah trying to pin the lightsaber on Darth
Noah trying to pin the lightsaber on Darth

Darth Vader Game

Next up was the cake and ice cream. Noah placed the rings on the cake so that the teams for the next game (a lightsaber war) would be decided. Apparently Kenyan food coloring (a powder, not the liquid dye I’m used to using) has a funny taste. All the kids removed the icing to discover a dry, burnt cake…It wasn’t my best attempt at cake making, but at least it looked exactly as Noah designed.

Noah's cake

After the cake and ice cream were eaten and the rings were cleaned, we divided into two groups to have a lightsaber war. The lack of rules and direction resulted in a failed game. We quickly moved onto opening presents. He was sufficiently spoiled!

So many presents!

The Death Star pinata was next on the to-do list. Nana made the pinata in just one day, and it was quite strong. (Thank you to the warm equatorial sun for drying the layers so quickly!) Each kid got two turns at hitting the pinata. The first turn was with the mask blindfolds, and the second turn was without them.

Death Star pinata candy grabbing

Last but not least, we had a water balloon battle. I explained the rules, which included hitting only the people on the grass and waiting until I was off the grass. Then, each kid got two balloons to start the game. I called “Game on!” and watched a total of 3 minutes of balloon throwing.

Water Battle

The party ended just as a little rain storm rolled over Tenwek. The kids walked home and I got to work on Noah’s birthday lunch. Make-your-own stir fry, rice with soy sauce, and egg rolls, which Joyce made them from scratch on Friday so that I could just warm them up, were on the menu.

After lunch, we all enjoyed a little rest time. After that, Noah played with his new toys and ate salt and vinegar chips for snack. Before we knew it, it was time for supper. He chose hot dogs cooked on Daddy’s new charcoal grill (with rolls, ketchup, mustard and relish) and boxed macaroni and cheese. Both hot dogs and boxed mac and cheese are expensive here, so we rarely enjoy this all-American kid-friendly meal!

hot dogs on the grill

Shortly after supper, we got the kiddos in bed. It was a long, exhausting but fun-filled day. Noah went to bed feeling loved and celebrated, so all the hard work was well worth it!

I still can't believe he's 8...and almost as tall as me!
I still can’t believe he’s 8…and almost as tall as me!

Praises and Prayer Requests:

1. Praise God for the safe travel and arrival of Jayne and Phil and all of their luggage! We are enjoying much missed time together.

2. Praise God for 8 full years with our firstborn, Noah! He is growing up to be such a fine young man, and I am thankful for the privilege to watch God working in him.

3. Praise God that my dad is finished with his radiation treatments. Please pray that the cancer is really gone and that it will never return.

4. Please pray for us as we prepare for Hannah’s birthday celebration on the 22nd.

5. Please pray for all the kids and adults involved in Bible Quizzing. Pray that the Word, which is alive and active and sharper than any double-edged sword, would penetrate our hearts and minds so that we are effective, diligent workers for Christ! Pray that the kids will be used for a great work in the next generation of Kenyan Christians!

Since we are studying 1 Samuel in Bible Quizzing, I’ll close with a verse from that book. 🙂

I Samuel 2:2 “There is no one holy like the Lord; there is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God.”

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1 Comment
  1. Cindy Peel
    Jan, 20, 2014

    So very glad Noah had a great time at his birthday.  They grow up so fast.  Glad also that some family is visiting.  You are such an inspiration to so many of us.  Praying for you and your family.  You are all so loved.

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