February Blessings

As I said in my January Blessings post, I want to be intentional about noticing God’s handiwork and then responding to it with praise. Here are a few of the ways God worked all things together for our good in February.

Of course, the most exciting event was Friday the 13th/100 Day/Valentine’s Day. I know I already shared about this, but here a group picture. We have a lot of missionary kids! Pray for the families serving here at Tenwek. Pray for unity. Pray against opposition from the enemy. Pray for these precious, crazy kids. 


Joshua turned 4 months old! He is such a happy baby even though he isn’t the best napper. He has been cooing, giggling, and moving quite a bit. It often looks like he’s trying to fly! He loves his brothers, and they love him. The best part: he continues to sleep through the night! Praise God!! 

morning cuddles
He is growing up WAY too quickly!


We held a successful community yard sale. All the missionaries pooled their no-longer-wanted items together and sold them to the nationals and each other. Noah and Levi each found a new Nerf (or Nerf-like) gun. Noah also bought several novels, duct tape, a boogie board, and several other trinkets. Jacob came late but did find Candyland. Levi tried to buy some of the stuff we were selling, but I intercepted his plans. Yes, I’m that mean…

Noah reading to Levi! I'm so proud of the young man Noah is becoming!!
Noah reading to Levi! I’m so proud of the young man Noah is becoming!!

All of the money went to the Tenwek Needy People Fund. This fund helps patients pay for their large medical bills. If you are interested in donating to the Needy People Fund, follow the link. Your money can go a long way! Please pray for the many, many patients that are seen at Tenwek every day. Pray also for the nurses, doctors, etc. who make the hospital run. Pray that God would be glorified through the hard work of the many people working here.

I’m sure many of you read Aaron’s blog post about the mock mass casualty incident. If you haven’t, check it out. It was a success as far as showing the hospital staff how much forethought must be taken in order to be prepared for these kinds of disasters. Pray that Aaron and his committee can process and analyze the data they collected from the drill, make changes in their plans, and then instruct the medical staff effectively.


God did provide a little rain in February. It was enough to fill our previously almost empty rain tank. We are still praying for a good rainy season so that our hydro-electric power supply can be up and running again. Pray for rain. Pray for a successful growing season. 

Joyce, my househelper, has one daughter named Doreen. Doreen finished eighth grade in December, took her exams, and anxiously awaited letters of acceptance into high school. (The school system is very different here. Most kids can go to school for free until 8th grade. Then, they have to be invited into high school based on their exam scores. Most high schools are boarding schools. All high schools cost money. It’s a stressful time for both parents and students!) Praise God! She received several letters despite worrisome exam scores. Doreen and Joyce chose a school, and Doreen began form 1 (9th grade) in February. Praise God for His provision! Pray that Doreen would adjust well to this new normal and that she will excel in school. 

Additional Prayer Requests:

1. Pray for Aaron and I as we continue the application process to become long-term missionaries.

2. Pray for all of us as we approach March 14, the 2-year anniversary of Hannah’s death.

3. Pray for the global church, that we would be effective witnesses of Christ!

Matthew 12:34b-35

For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him.

May we bring forth GOOD! Thank you, friends, for uplifting us and these prayer items. We are so, so grateful!





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