
God answers the cries of our hearts.

Since my last post, I’ve gotten a lot of comments and messages from readers. They are a huge blessing. Thank you. But they have been outdone! This morning God answered the cries of my heart, and He used my devotional. I’ve been reading John Piper’s Solid Joys on my iPad for several months now, and God has used it to speak to me many times. Today, it was too good to keep to myself, so here is my version of his words:

Focus on God.

Yes, it’s that simple. Instead of worrying about all the what-ifs and whys, just focus on God. Meditate on who HE is. Read His promises. Bask in His beauty. Realize His power and might and wisdom. When we get a better and more accurate picture of who He is, our fears seem silly. HE IS GOD!

Here is the Scripture that Piper used to remind me of this important choice that I need to make daily: Hebrews 12:3, Romans 8:5-6, Colossians 3:2, Luke 12:24,27.

Maybe it’s because I’m sleep-deprived. Maybe I haven’t been spending enough time with God. Maybe it’s because I’m human and I need constant reminders. Maybe it’s all of the above and more. Regardless, I needed to hear this again: focus your attention on God.

Does God speak to you? I sure hope you can answer with a resounding “YES!” I’m so glad he speaks to me!

I’m taking a little break from memorizing Scripture in order to study Matthew, but I plan to tackle 2 Peter this year. In anticipation of that goal, here is how 2 Peter begins: Simon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who through the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ have received a faith as precious as ours: Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord (2 Peter 1:1-2). I echo his words to you. I so cherish your time, attention, prayers, and support. As you focus on Him, may He fill you with grace and peace until overflowing.

Praises and Prayer Requests:

1. Praise God, for He answers our prayers! He is so tender in His love. Praise Him!

2. Praise God for Bible Quizzing. About 250 kids will be studying Matthew and memorizing 45-60 verses over the next 3 months. Pray that their dedication to this work will please God and that it will reap a harvest for His kingdom. Pray also for those in charge of all the details. It’s a lot of work!

3. Praise God for worship music! I’ve been listening to John Waller a lot lately. Today’s favorite was “My God Reigns Here,” because my God reigns right here in my home, in my heart. It was encouraging to sing it in such a beautiful way.

4. Praise God for healthy boys! Thank you for your prayers for health. I think we’re all healthy. I’ll close with a picture…because I can’t help but be a proud momma. 😉

My oldest and youngest having a cute bonding moment. :) All 3 big boys are so good with Joshua.
My oldest and youngest having a cute bonding moment. 🙂 All 3 big boys are so good with Joshua.
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1 Comment
  1. mimwert
    Jan, 14, 2015

    As always, it is so good to read your writing. It always blesses me. I agree with you in praising the Lord. Thank you for sharing your beautiful family with us.

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